I have also taught a lot of classes! I've taught at more than twenty different events and and have realized that it is just too many in a years' time. I love teaching and will continue to do so as long as I can, but at a more realistic rate. I have eleven events scheduled for 2019 and hope to get that down to 8 to 10 in the future. I am sure my daughters will be keeping me busy in the future with more weddings and if I am fortunate, grandchildren. I want to make sure I have lots of time for them, as well as my wonderful husband.
I'm also looking forward to more designing time. My design time really suffered this last year. I need to get some of the ideas that are rattling around in my head down on paper and translated into fabric and thread. My class offering are getting a little thin is some areas, too.
I have a large stock of Cottage Garden Threads ready to add to my web site. As soon as I get this inventory thing figured out, they will be up. I do love these threads. They are such beautiful colors and wear really well.
With love and prayers for blessings in the year to come,