New Year, New Challenge
Happy New Year!
New Year, New Challenge 2018 will be a big year for us. One of my daughters is getting married and I am making her veil with Romanian Point Lace. It's not my strongest technique, but she loves it so I will do it. I've crocheted a bunch of cord already and my oldest daughter helped me sketch out the design over Christmas. It pays to have a child who is a professional artist. The most fun was draping and pinning muslin over Rachel's head to get the veil to fit correctly. (Photo below) Sylvia not only sketched out the designs but also put a creepy little face on the muslin for me. Her kitten Bean helped by grabbing the cord and running off with it. Thank goodness he went back home with Sylvia. He's a lot of fun when opening presents, but way too much help with my stitching! I'm going to post progress reports and photos here. I hope you enjoy the process and I really hope it turns out as beautiful as it is in my mind!
Happy New Year! Terri
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