I am expecially happy to be celebrating this year. I began a severe diverticulitis flare at the beginning of September. It was under control, but just barely. It never truly went away and I was having trouble with hemorraging. So, on November 21st I underwent surgery to remove the sigmoind portion of my large intestine. The surgery was rough and the recovery hs been the usual two steps forward and one step back process. I am feeling much better overall, and my diverticulitis issues are completely gone. Guess why I have not posted a lot lately.
On to the future....2017 is just about as fully booked with classes and seminars as it can be. I'm now booking into 2018. How marvelouts is that? I already have two EGA regional seminars booked. I'm not going to steal their thunder and say which ones yet. I'm also going to be teaching at NAN in March of 2018. I've decided to retire the Hardanger Lotus Box from the teaching rota and publish it. It wll take me a few weeks to revamp that chart from prework and class portions into a front to back chart. I hope to have it out in a month or two.
Hardanger U will not be happening in 2017. There are a lot of reasons for this decision and it is the best decision we could have made. We are going ahead with plans for 2018 and will most likely return to Myrtle Beach! Janice is looking to mave the date back to earlier February as well. You have spoken and she is listening!
Blessings to all.......Terri