i think I am finally adjusting to the new normal. I am blessed to have several family member living in the same house. I can not imagine how hard this all must be for those who live on their own. I can hug my husband, two daughter, and my darling daughter-in-law as often as I want!
My husband and youngest daughter are both still working full time from home. I'm also spending a fair amount of time creating new designs. I've several new ones ready to submit for class proposals. I only have one class left on the books for this year. If that one cancels it will be next March before I travel to teach again.
Which leads me into my announcement; I am attempting my first online class! The ANG seminar has transitioned from in person to online and I am going to give it a go! Anyone can register, though if you are not an ANG member you will pay a higher fee. The link is below. If that does not work just google the American Needlepoint Guild. I am teaching thee classes, the Needlework Treasures Scissors Tray, Black and White Garden, and Orion. I'll post photos of those classes as well.
Take care and stay well. We are indeed all in this together!