Cruise News I have an exciting new event for 2018! I will be teaching on a stitching cruise along with Cindy Valentine. This is going to be so much fun. It is October 20-26 2018 and will leave from Ft Lauderdale, FL. Cindy and I will both be teaching during the two at sea days then we will enjoy ports of call in the Caribbean and Mexico. To register and find out more information about the cruise go to: I've also updated the teaching information page - finally - with all of the events I can list so far for 2018. There are a few others, but I am not allowed to reveal them yet.
It has been a whirlwind spring here with my oldest daughter receiving her Master's Degree and moving to Orlando, and the youngest receiving her Batchelor's and moving back up to Minnesota. For now. The middle daughter may be moving in the next few months, too. Maybe even closer to me which I would love. I've been traveling a lot to teach and loving every minute of it. Several new designs have been completed and will be introduced as soon as they are booked into classes. I also will be publishing the Hardanger Lotus Box for retail sale soon. It's been a class up until this last year and will soon be available in stores. Just need to proof read it a few more times. Changes I'm finally updating my teaching schedule. If you've read it before you may notice that a few classes have been removed while others have been added. Hardanger University for 2017 has been cancelled and I will not be teaching when they resume in 2018. Calloway Gardens has also been cancelled for 2018. They lost their venue and had to discontinue the event.
I have added a workshop for the Valley Junction Chapter in Iowa and continue to hold classes at Pandas Crossing in Mauldin, SC on a regular basis. The next one is on February 25th and is an ornament. (Picture below) We were going to do this before Christmas, but after a few hiccups we ended up with February. This way everyone will be able to finish it before Christmas! I've booked several seminars and classes for 2018 already. I'll put up the EGA seminars after they have has a chance to do their own presentations. I will be teaching at NAN in March and may also have a class in Indiana in October of 2018. Things are brewing all on the time. You may also notice that I don't have any classes in October or November of this year. That is because my husband and I are celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary with a trip to Australia and New Zealand. I can't wait! Any Aussies or Kiwis out there want to get together? I can't do needlework the entire time. I do have to spend some time with the love of my life! Thirty years is quite an achievement! Merry Christmas! I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season. I am happily curled up on my comfy couch with two of my three daughters, enjoying some Christmas television shows. We will be attending the Christmas Eve service at our church tonight and I will be singing in the choir along with my oldest daughter. The third daughter arrives tomorrow and we will be complete!
I am expecially happy to be celebrating this year. I began a severe diverticulitis flare at the beginning of September. It was under control, but just barely. It never truly went away and I was having trouble with hemorraging. So, on November 21st I underwent surgery to remove the sigmoind portion of my large intestine. The surgery was rough and the recovery hs been the usual two steps forward and one step back process. I am feeling much better overall, and my diverticulitis issues are completely gone. Guess why I have not posted a lot lately. On to the future....2017 is just about as fully booked with classes and seminars as it can be. I'm now booking into 2018. How marvelouts is that? I already have two EGA regional seminars booked. I'm not going to steal their thunder and say which ones yet. I'm also going to be teaching at NAN in March of 2018. I've decided to retire the Hardanger Lotus Box from the teaching rota and publish it. It wll take me a few weeks to revamp that chart from prework and class portions into a front to back chart. I hope to have it out in a month or two. Hardanger U will not be happening in 2017. There are a lot of reasons for this decision and it is the best decision we could have made. We are going ahead with plans for 2018 and will most likely return to Myrtle Beach! Janice is looking to mave the date back to earlier February as well. You have spoken and she is listening! Blessings to all.......Terri Hardanger University is going forward! Marion Scoular and I are on board to teach at HU again in 2017. It will be held in Winston/Salem, NC February 24-26th. There will be a third teacher added, but I am not sure who that is yet. Yes, there will be changes but nothing in life every stays the same. We are looking forward to giving you classes full of tips, techniques and information to help you become a better stitcher.
I'm enjoying six weeks off from teaching and traveling. It has been wonderful to play with my plants and just spend some quiet time outside. I've also taken advantage of the extra time by working on some new designs and charting some of the completed ones. I have all three charts finished for EGA National Seminar next year and the are being checked over by my pilot stitchers. I couldn't publish charts without those ladies!
Hardanger University update: Many of you have heard already that Meg wil not be able to head up Hardanger U any more. For a while we weren't sure if it would go on or not, but it has been picked up by Janice Wright and we will be going forward next year. The date and location have not been determined yet, but right now it looks like it will be in the February/March time frame. I will let you know more as soon as I do! I've also just received a contract to teach at Calloway Gardens for the first time in 2018! I'm thrilled to be teaching there. I'll sign off with the two new retail charts. The Celtic Lotus Box is already out for purchase and the Autumn Garden is coming soon! I have been so very happily busy teaching this year! Since the first of the year I have taught at Hardanger University, the Nordic Needle Retreat, Greater Pacific and Tennessee Valley EGA regional seminars, The Madison WI EGA Chapter and the NeedleworkGuild of Minnesota to name a few. I am also lucky enough to have a shop nearby where I can teach classes without having to travel. I've taught two at Pandas Crossing already this year and have another scheduled for August. I'm going to try to talk Donna into having an ornament class closer to Christmas, too.
I've just returned home from the Work of the Hands retreat in Winston Salem, NC with Jean Farish. It was indeed a luxury retreat in every sense of the word. A lovely venue, great food, and a wonderful group of stitchers. We are already planning next year's retreat! I'll be doing quite a few EGA events in 2017, and believe it or not I am already starting to plan classes for 2018. Whew! My family is moving around a lot, too. My oldest daughter is working a summer internship in Gainesville, FL, my middle has just moved from St Paul, MN to Augusta, GA, (so much closer - happy Mom!) and my youngest has just returned from her semester abroad in Hong Kong and is looking forward to a summer of sleep before going to her final year of classes in Savannah, GA. My husband travel about once a month for work, too. I think I need a revolving door in my house. On a sad note, our 17 year old cat, Taz passed away last month. We do miss the little furball. That is the cliff note version. Now that I am home for a few weeks, i can hopefully send along a few more posts! Happy Stitching! Terri I am thrilled to announce that I will be teaching at the Embroiderers Guild of America National Seminar in 2017! The announcement came out in the June issue of EGA's Needle Arts Magazine. I have heard the comment in the past that you've not really "made it" as a teacher until you teach at nationals. I guess I am official now!
I personally have so many things for which I am thankful. My wonderful husband and beautiful daughters. (Not that I am prejudiced, mind you.) A new house and a relatively sane move. It was rough at times, but well worth it. My teaching career which is taking off at an astonishing rate. I am so excited to be teaching all of those classes next year. Even my 16 year old fur ball of a cat is healthy and settled in to the new house.
We are lucky enough to be able to travel to my parent's house for the holiday. My sister and her family will be there as well. I think my Mom is so thrilled she could burst. with all of the grandchildren grown and moving out this probably won't happen many more times. I think we need to focus on the good out there rather than the upsetting things happening in the world. Be informed, yes, but then turn the news OFF. Don't dwell in it. Go out and enjoy your family, or friends, or out earth, or all of the above. Blessings to you all. It was a wild weather weekend here in South Carolina. In the upstate we were fortunate to be spared the worst of the storm. We had a lot of rain and wind and lost power for part on one day, but that was it. The midlands and coast were inundated with rain. It will take a long time to get anywhere close to normal there. They are going to need a lot of help and prayers.
On the stitching side of life, I've finished the chart for my big new band sampler tentatively named Rhapsody in White, and have booked two more classes; a beginner class at my new LNS Pandas Crossing in Maulden, SC in February, and the Rocky Mountain Region Seminar in Colorado Springs, Colorado next August. Things are moving along again now that we've settled in from our move. |
August 2023
August 2023